
How FG was misled to invade Justice Odili’s home


How FG was misled to invade Justice Odili’s home

An Abuja Chief Magistrate's Court sitting at Wuse Zone 6, has blamed the Federal Government for deceiving it to give a court order against a Justice of the Supreme Court, Mary Odili. 

Equity Odili is at present the second most senior legal scholar of the pinnacle court, after the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Ibrahim Muhammad. 

Her home in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, arranged at 9, Imo Street, Maitama, was on Friday, assaulted by security agents who asserted their activity depended on a substantial court request. 

In any case, not many hours after the request was given, the Chief Magistrate Court, disavowed it on the ground that it was tricked by the Joint Panel Recovery unit of the Federal Ministry of Justice. 

The denial request came at a point Vanguard discovered that the CJN, Justice Ibrahim Muhammad, who was said to have been irritated by the turn of events, requested the Chief Judge of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, to inquiry the Magistrate. 

"The CJN was extremely vexed when he heard that the home of Justice Odili was attacked by security organizations. 

"His outrage additionally uplifted when he discovered that activity of the security organizations depended on request from a Magistrate Court in Abuja. 

"Noteworthy Justice Muhammad is a man that takes the government assistance of judges of the Supreme Court, yet every legal official in the country intense. 

"You will review that he genuinely censured the activity of the Department of State Services, DSS, when its agents attacked homes of judges in 2016," a top source at the Supreme Court told Vanguard. 

I was deluded—Magistrate 

In the interim, Magistrate Emmanuel Iyanna, who conceded the request for Justice Odili's Abuja home to be looked, said he was misdirected to do as such through deception of realities by two affirmations that were dismissed to by a self-acclaimed informant, Aliyu Umar and a senior Police Officer, CSP Lawrence Ajodo. 

Subsequently, Magistrate Iyanna, disavowed the court order he gave against Justice Odili on Friday. 

The disavowal request read: "Upon distortion to this respectable court that prompted the issuance of a court order for Joint Panel Recovery, Ministry of Justice, against House 9, Imo Street, Maitama, Abuja, dated October 29, 2021. 

"Taking into account the above truth, the said court order is therefore disavowed." 

The informant, Umar, had guaranteed that he noticed some illicitly exercises happening at Justice Odili's home in Abuja. 

In an affirmation he ousted to on October 13, Umar asserted: "I have noticed some criminal operations happening in those houses inside Abuja that are unlawful and thusly report the said make a difference to the law implementation organization. 

"I, thusly, express that all data given by me to the EFCC is valid and right as far as I could possibly know." 

In light of the sworn statement, CSP Ajodo, following up in the interest of the board which includes the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the Nigeria Police Force and the Ministry of Justice, additionally dismissed to an oath, wherein he applied for a warrant to be given for Justice Odili's home to be looked. 

Equity Odili, who is the spouse of a previous Governor of Rivers State, was said to have opposed endeavors by the security specialists to attack her home. 

EFCC scrambles disavowal 

Amidst the deadlock that went on around five hours, the EFCC, through its representative, Mr Wilson Uwujaren, immediately removed itself from the activity. 

The counter unite office said it had no hand regarding the present situation and instructed individuals with respect to the general population to dismiss any news in actuality. 

It said: "The consideration the EFCC has been attracted to claims in a part of the media that agents of the commission today (yesterday) raged the Maitama, Abuja home of a Judge of the Supreme Court, Justice Mary Odili, purportedly to execute a hunt. 

"The commission, by this assertion, wishes to illuminate the public that the report is bogus as it didn't complete any activity whatsoever home of Justice Odili. 

"In case there was any such activity as asserted by the media, it was not completed by the EFCC. 

"The commission charges people in general to disapprove the report." 

The Dr. Peter Odili 

It will be reviewed that the Federal High Court in Abuja had on October 18, requested the quick arrival of the global visa of Justice Odili's significant other, which was seized by the Nigeria Immigration Service, NIS. 

The court, in a judgment that was conveyed by Justice Inyang Ekwo, held that there was no lawful defense for the move the NIS made against the previous lead representative, Dr. Peter Odili. 

Equity Ekwo said there was no proof to set up that Odili's identification was seized on the request for any court of capable locale. 

He subsequently requested the NIS to promptly delivery and return the held onto identification, just as delicate a statement of regret to the Applicant. 

Odili, who directed undertakings of Rivers State from 1999 to 2007, had moved toward the court to challenge the capture of his worldwide identification by the NIS. 

He let the court know that his identification with numbers B50031305, was seized from him on June 20 by NIS authorities for undisclosed explanation, soon after he arrived at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja. 

In a 8-passage testimony he by and by ousted to, the previous lead representative, said he arrived at the air terminal from the United Kingdom where he had gone for his standard clinical exam. 

He affirmed that upon his appearance, his voyaging reports were checked and rewarded him, however while he trusted that his gear will be cleared, an Immigration official moved toward him and requested for the identification on guarantee of directing check. 

Odili let the court know that he consented and gave his archives over to the authority who disappeared with and neglected to return it back. 

Nonetheless, the NIS, in processes it documented under the watchful eye of the court, kept up with that its activity depended on a mandate from the EFCC. 

In 2007 

It will be reviewed that a Federal High Court in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, had in 2007, gave a request for unending order that banished the EFCC and other security offices in the country from capturing or exploring the previous lead representative.



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